Dra. Yvelise Bello – Plastic Surgeon

When to Exercise After Plastic Surgery? Expert Recommendations – Dra. Yvelise Bello

When to Exercise After Plastic Surgery? Expert Recommendations – Dra. Yvelise Bello

Immediate Post-Surgery: Walking and Light Activity

After undergoing plastic surgery, it’s crucial to know the appropriate timeline for resuming various types of exercise to ensure optimal recovery and results. We recommend our patients start walking and light ambulation the day after surgery. This helps promote circulation and reduce the risk of complications such as blood clots.

Three Months Post-Surgery: Cardiovascular Exercises

For more intensive cardiovascular exercises, such as walking, cycling, and swimming, we advise waiting at least three months post-surgery. These activities help improve cardiovascular health and overall fitness without putting undue strain on the surgical sites. Always listen to your body and start gradually, increasing intensity as tolerated.

Ten Months Post-Surgery: Strength Training and Weight Lifting

Strength training exercises and activities that require significant physical effort, such as weight lifting, should generally be postponed until ten months after surgery. This is particularly important for patients who have undergone abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), as these procedures require more extended recovery periods. Ensure that any exercise routine involving weights is gradually introduced and closely monitored for tolerance.

Procedure-Specific Guidelines

While the above timelines serve as general guidelines, it’s essential to understand that recovery periods can vary depending on the specific plastic surgery procedure. For example, some less invasive procedures might allow for an earlier return to more strenuous activities.

Key Takeaways for Exercising After Plastic Surgery

  1. Day After Surgery: Begin with light walking to promote circulation.
  2. Three Months Post-Surgery: Introduce cardiovascular exercises like walking, cycling, and swimming.
  3. Ten Months Post-Surgery: Start strength training and weight lifting, ensuring exercises are well-tolerated.
  4. Listen to Your Body: Gradually increase intensity and monitor your body’s response to prevent complications.
  5. Follow Specific Guidelines: Recovery times can vary based on the type of surgery; consult with your surgeon for personalized advice.

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